The Course

Take a sneak peek at some of the challenges that await you!

1st Hole: a tunnel through the wall

Hole 1 – Into The Dark

Accuracy over power is required as you start your round.

Astronaut brief:

Roll it delicately through the wall for a shot at your first hole in two of the round.

2nd Hole: a 'crater' forms a dip in the corner of this dog leg shaped hole

Hole 2 – Crater

Clear dog leg right with an added dip.

Astronaut brief:

Roll into the dip for ultimate position to secure your par on this tricky par 3.

3rd Hole: some tubing adds an exciting challenge

Hole 3 – Space Toilet

Ones or twos on this hole please – both are traditionally accepted; but do it in more and your (w)hole round could go down the pan.

Astronaut brief:

A strong but accurate first shot will ensure you come out the other end!

4th Hole: a decorated neon tyre forms a loop the loop

Hole 4 – Looper

The looper hole, tough and unforgiving, however, hit that sweet spot and the ball will fly through effortlessly.

Astronaut brief:

Give it a bit of welly on your first shot to loop the loop!

6th Hole: a simple hole with an astronaut friend watching your moves

Hole 5 – Coz

Your first chance to meet Coz and Moz, and with the right angle a hole in one is a possibility.

Astronaut brief:

Aim for a slightly diagonal shot for a hole in one.